The Mumbai crime branch on Friday arrested 38-year-old journalist Jigna Jitendra Vora in connection with the murder of her husband journalist Jyotirmoy Dey (51), who was shot down 11 June in Powai. Vora, a crime reporter with a national daily, was produced before the Special Maharashtra fight against organized crime court for allegedly disclosing information about Dey movements to the Underworld Don Chhota Rajan.
She is the eleventh person to be arrested in the case so far. 15. August was the TOI the first to report on a possible involvement of a journalist in Dey murder of a story under the headline: "? Scribe dope helped Rajan plot Dey kill '
Besides MCOCA Vora has been booked under sections of the Indian Penal Code for murder, complicity and criminal conspiracy. She has been detained in police custody until Dec. 1, but her lawyer asked for judicial custody.
Police sources told TOI they were dependent on a conversation in which Rajan allegedly informed a family of Vinod Asrani - who has been arrested in this case - that he regretted killing Dey, and that it was "a woman journalist who had initiated and provoked him."
Prosecutors did not refer to the initiative or provocation on Vora is part of the path. In its remand application, and claims to have evidence of Vora revealing information - a picture of Dey, addresses his Powai home and office, and his motorcycle license plate - to Rajan, who then ordered the hit.
Meanwhile Jigna lawyer says police tried to rescue the skin.
Vora lawyer argued Friday that allegations that the police were just as vague as when studies J Dey's death began in June and at best an attempt to fill in the fields.
The prosecutor Dilip Shah claimed that Vora had given information about Dey movements to Chhota Rajan. "She interviewed Rajan, and this is the NOK to determine that she was in contact with the gangster,''he said." A person is used to provide information and syndicate work with this information to commit the crime. She worked as an information provider, "Shah said.
He said that probing the agency needed to determine the subject and also identify the recipient. "She is a well known journalist, and she has not parted with the information innocently. She knew who she was communicating information and its consequences," he added.
"This is an ideal case, where investigators are trying to fill the missing link," Vora lawyer Girish Kulkarni said.
"How was information disseminated, the police have not yet found out. So when no one else is available, they do Jigna an accused, whom she had interviewed Adon."
Kulkarni says that the police are trying to save their skins for the next hearing, when they have to file taxes.
Vora had been summoned to the crime branch for questioning a couple of times in Dey's death.
"She would not give the correct answer and giving misguided information," Shah said in court.
By the way Jigna had written a story shortly after the murder Dey indicate drug lord Iqbal Mirchi was behind the murder. Kulkarni, however, argued it was reprinted in the newspaper a day later.
"It is possible for police to refer to. Talking to a crime syndicate does not make you a part of it before the police have evidence of the commitment her," Kulkarni said.
The police are yet to seize her computers and access to her phone records to see if she has used them to communicate with Rajan. During the probe alleged police learned that Jigna had "poisoned the minds Rajan against Dey."
She is the eleventh person to be arrested in the case so far. 15. August was the TOI the first to report on a possible involvement of a journalist in Dey murder of a story under the headline: "? Scribe dope helped Rajan plot Dey kill '
Besides MCOCA Vora has been booked under sections of the Indian Penal Code for murder, complicity and criminal conspiracy. She has been detained in police custody until Dec. 1, but her lawyer asked for judicial custody.
Police sources told TOI they were dependent on a conversation in which Rajan allegedly informed a family of Vinod Asrani - who has been arrested in this case - that he regretted killing Dey, and that it was "a woman journalist who had initiated and provoked him."
Prosecutors did not refer to the initiative or provocation on Vora is part of the path. In its remand application, and claims to have evidence of Vora revealing information - a picture of Dey, addresses his Powai home and office, and his motorcycle license plate - to Rajan, who then ordered the hit.
Meanwhile Jigna lawyer says police tried to rescue the skin.
Vora lawyer argued Friday that allegations that the police were just as vague as when studies J Dey's death began in June and at best an attempt to fill in the fields.
The prosecutor Dilip Shah claimed that Vora had given information about Dey movements to Chhota Rajan. "She interviewed Rajan, and this is the NOK to determine that she was in contact with the gangster,''he said." A person is used to provide information and syndicate work with this information to commit the crime. She worked as an information provider, "Shah said.
He said that probing the agency needed to determine the subject and also identify the recipient. "She is a well known journalist, and she has not parted with the information innocently. She knew who she was communicating information and its consequences," he added.
"This is an ideal case, where investigators are trying to fill the missing link," Vora lawyer Girish Kulkarni said.
"How was information disseminated, the police have not yet found out. So when no one else is available, they do Jigna an accused, whom she had interviewed Adon."
Kulkarni says that the police are trying to save their skins for the next hearing, when they have to file taxes.
Vora had been summoned to the crime branch for questioning a couple of times in Dey's death.
"She would not give the correct answer and giving misguided information," Shah said in court.
By the way Jigna had written a story shortly after the murder Dey indicate drug lord Iqbal Mirchi was behind the murder. Kulkarni, however, argued it was reprinted in the newspaper a day later.
"It is possible for police to refer to. Talking to a crime syndicate does not make you a part of it before the police have evidence of the commitment her," Kulkarni said.
The police are yet to seize her computers and access to her phone records to see if she has used them to communicate with Rajan. During the probe alleged police learned that Jigna had "poisoned the minds Rajan against Dey."
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